Double J Construction &
Metal Buildings
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Double J Construction &
Metal Buildings
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Metal Building Company
Cameron, Tx
Located at the crossroads of Highways 77 and 190, Cameron offers convenient access to larger cities like Temple, Bryan-College Station, and Austin, while maintaining its peaceful rural charm. This prime location makes it an ideal place for families, businesses, and those seeking a quieter lifestyle within reach of urban centers.
Cameron was established in the mid-1800s and named after Ewen Cameron, a hero of the Texas Revolution. The town’s historic charm is evident in its beautifully preserved courthouse, quaint downtown area, and a sense of pride that resonates among its residents.
In 1881, the Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe Railway arrived in Cameron. This improved the local economy and led to population growth. Between 1878 and 1884, the total number of residents increased by 60%, from around 500 to 800. Cameron had attempted to incorporate in 1856, 1866, and 1873, but each time the charter was allowed to lapse. It was officially incorporated in 1889. The San Antonio and Aransas Pass Railway arrived in 1890, giving the town another boost. By 1892, the population stood at nearly 2,000.
Double J Construction & Metal Buildings